Skin care ingredients

Have you ever flipped over your favourite moisturizer bottle to read the label , only to leave thinking, “I have no idea what it(Skin care ingredients) is.”

You’re not alone. It is difficult to understand what is good or bad for you these days as most of the tags report of the scientific names of ingredients, even natural ones extracted from plants and herbs. For example, coconut Cocos nucifera, is listed as many people believe incorrectly is a derivative of cocoa. Lactic acid sounds incredibly damaging and dangerous, but it is actually the hydrating element we extract from the milk.

While it is impossible to memorize every single ingredient for each individual product, there are some important ones can be harmful and bad for your skin that you can avoid.

Petrolatum and mineral oil, isopropyl alcohol is all damaging and harmful for skin with prolonged exposure. These components are usually found in everything from shampoo to baby lotion, so worth a look on the label.

The leather derived from those resources, eliminates toxins and impurities, and absorption of nutrients. These substances block skins pores, reducing the physical abilities of the pores. This not only makes it difficult for skin cell regeneration, also causes a build up to the natural oils produced by the body. With nowhere else to go, these oils can gather up beneath the surface of the skin until they eventually exploding as a breakout, potato or another condition skin.

In addition, mineral oil, petrolatum and isopropyl alcohol associated with reducing natural forming collagen within the organization. Demolition of capacity for the production of collagen reduces the skin’s suppleness and elasticity, will lead to the formation of wrinkles, crow’s feet and laugh lines.

The good news is, not all products that contain these harmful ingredients, and the names are actually very easy to remember. So before you get that recently advertised miracle lotion, give a quick flip to make sure that it will not be more harm than good to your skin.