The Right Body Care for Healthier Skin

Healthier Skin

We all know that the largest organ is the skin, but too often parts of your skin are neglected when it comes to proper body care. You probably put extra effort into caring for the skin on your face, but you might not put the same thought and care into the skin elsewhere on your body. But if the skin on your face is dry, you probably have dry skin all over and should use products and care tactics that help you feel more comfortable in the skin Healthy skinyou’re in for good.



The face usually receives the most attention when it comes to cleansing. You probably purchase gentle cleansers to help keep your skin hydrated and keep acne at bay. But then you probably soap up the skin on the rest of your body with a plain bar of soap or body wash. For proper body care, you should treat the skin on your shoulders, abdomen, legs, and feet in the same way you treat the skin on your face. Invest in good-quality cleansers and ditch the bar soap if you have sensitive or dry skin.


Acne on the face is admittedly frustrating. But if you have acne on your face, you probably have oily skin all over your body, resulting in acne on the chest and back as well. When you need to treat your skin, you need to treat your entire body to help keep skin problems at bay. Whether you have dry skin and need moisturizer as part of your body care routine or you use an acne ointment to help stop zits, treat your body from head to toe for the most effective results.


Proper exfoliation should be a weekly habit in the shower. Exfoliation helps to slough away dead skin cells to speed cell turnover and keep your skin looking young and fresh. Even if you exfoliate your face regularly, you might be forgetting to treat your whole body. Make sure that your head, shoulders, knees, and toes get the same treatment. If you’re worried about using up costly products, make your own by mixing brown sugar and olive oil to make a paste, then slather it on your entire body for smooth, radiant skin from head to toe.