Vegetables and healthy skin

Vegetables and healthy skin

Eating fruits and vegetables is not just healthy. It also makes us more attractive by changing the colour of our skin. Six weeks of small changes to the diet are enough to produce positive effects. Vegetables and healthy skin.

A reddish-yellowish skin tone is associated with good health and is attractive to the opposite sex. The curious Vegetables for healthy skin sexy skinthing is that this also happens with species other than humans. A study by the University of St Andrews in Scotland shows that our skin acquires a reddish-yellowish tone from the carotenoids contained in fruit and vegetables, which, when consumed daily, improve peripheral circulation. In just six weeks, three daily servings of fruit or vegetables will make us sexier with beautiful skin. Although the study was done with Caucasians, scientists believe the effect would also be noticeable in dark skin.


  • Vegetables, like fruits, are low in fat but contain good amounts of vitamins and minerals. All the Green-Yellow-orange vegetables are rich sources of calcium, magnesium, potassium, iron, beta-carotene, vitamin B-complex, vitamin-C, vitamin A, and vitamin K.
  • As in fruits, vegetables are also home for many antioxidants that; firstly, help body protect from oxidant stress, diseases and cancers, and secondly, help body develop capacity to fight against these by boosting immunity.
  • In addition, vegetables contain soluble as well as insoluble dietary fiber known as non-starch polysaccharides (NSP) like cellulose, gums, mucilage, pectin…etc, that absorb excess water in the colon and retain good amount of moisture in the fecal matter, thereby helps its easy passage out of the body. Thus helpful in conditions like hemorrhoids, chronic constipation, rectal fissures…etc.

…Go for greens to help you stay fit and healthy!vegetable-facts


Vegetable nutrition has widely drawn the attention of fitness conscious as well as food scientists alike for their proven health benefits. Many vegetables are very low in calories, such as celery which is even as less than 10 cal per 100 g and here is the long list of vegetables whose calorie is less than 20 per 100 g: Bottle gourd, Bitter melon, Cabbage, Chinese cabbage, Bok choy, Eggplant, Endive, Spinach, Summer squash, Swiss chard, etc.  Scientific studies have shown that low calorie but nutrient rich foods help body stay fit and disease free.

And, also our body spends considerable amount of energy during digestion of foods which is known as BMRor Basal metabolism rate. So just imagine…..when you add more vegetable nutrition in the diet, in fact you set to lose more weight than you would gain…Right!..This is the concept behind the “negative calorie foods”.