Get Your Skin in Shape for Fall

The last day of summer isn’t officially until September 21st, but to me, the unofficial end of summer always feels like Labor Day. Your skin changes with the seasons and your skin care should too.

Now is the time to plan your skin care for fall and winter, and to decide what improvements you want to make to your skin over the winter.glowing skin

Post-summer is the best time to lighten age spots, to soften rough skin, and to reverse some of the wear and tear that your skin takes during the summer. The lazy days of summer are great for your psyche, but they are hard on your skin. Plus, your anti-aging skincare usually takes a back seat to your “fun in the sun.”

Late summer and early fall are the best times to start getting your skin back in good shape and to give your skin the much-needed attention it craves, including:

Treat some of the skin problems left over from summer
Prepare your skin for the cold of winter
Tackle some of your skin rejuvenation goals
Get your skin looking its best for the holidays.


Call me for your next appointment.